For years it seemed like I was always getting sick. No sooner would I get over a cold, then I would get sick again. In fact, the year my husband and I got engaged, I was coughing so much, I lost my voice for a month. (Don’t worry, I told my then fiancé not to get to comfortable with me not speaking). Then one day I was at the salon getting my hair done. I had an appointment but woke up that morning feeling like I was getting another cold). I was perplexed. I needed to get my hair done, but I also didn’t want to get my stylist sick, I also didn’t want her to lose income since it just came on. I typically would have the first appointment in the morning, so she would not be able to schedule someone else in. So I went. I explained this to my stylist. That’s when she introduced me to a product she used to support her immune system. I trusted my stylist so I thought I would try it. After I got the product, I went from being sick all the time to rarely being sick. If you want to learn more, contact me.