monthly newsletter for the Aging Gracefully Through  team
Check out this month’s gifts with purchase:
  • 100PV Loyalty Orders: get a FREE bottle of the YL Vitality Drops in Grapefruit Bergamot
  •  190PV Loyalty Orders: get a Thieves Chest Rub and a 15ml Peppermint essential oil
  • 190pv Orders: get a FREE 15ml bottle of Peppermint oil
  • 250PV Orders: snag a FREE Inner Beauty Collagen
  • 300PV Loyalty Orders: get a FREE bottle of Super C tablets
Read on for all the happenings in our Wellness Community this month!  

Not Sure What to order?

We have an easy button for you! Use the button below to shop our January Essentials wishlist - a curated custom cart with your Young Living must-haves for this month. This month I am focusing on correcting my over-indulgence from the holiday season.  You can get all or remove items to fit your budget.  Get your must-haves with an additional 10-25% back in points you can spend like a gift card on your Young Living account!


Are you looking to add or diversify income streams in 2024? Could you use a little extra each month to cover your oils or a trip to the grocery store? Join Brand Partners from across Young Living as we come together for the January Business Reboot, where you will learn practical tips that will help you share the power of Young Living; it doesn’t matter if you are just starting your business or if you are looking for new and fresh ideas to help you grow, the January Business Reboot is for you!

Hop into the Facebook Challenge Group linked below to plug into the community, support, education, and fun happenings all month long as we seek to inspire and encourage one another! Use the password BIZCHALLENGE24 to join in!

This Month In Our Group

AGTW Members Facebook Group

Young Living gives us the tools we need to live our best lives; and this month in our group we are diving into all the ways YL can support your 2024 wellness goals! Stay tuned and be sure to check in often!

JANUARY Diffuser Blends


Grab these January diffuser blends to fill your home with cozy scents that will make you feel warm and fuzzy even on the coldest of days! An added bonus: they support your body and help you to stay above the wellness line!

As we head into a new year, it's the perfect time to revamp your wellness goals and habits, and Young Living is here to help you every step of the way! Yes these plant drops smell amazing, but let’s not forget that they also provide POWERFUL results. Here are 3 things you can do to kick off your new year that will help you to get results out of your wellness routine:

  • Choose one or two things that you can be consistent with and put them into practice.  Think about how much energy you would have if you drank Ningxia daily or how great you would sleep if you diffused Cedarwood nightly! Choose one habit and start today!
  • Level up with Young Living’s oil infused supplements; these supplements stand apart due to quality sourcing and the infusion of essential oils, which make them easier for the body to use. Grab one or two supplements that will serve you and commit to adding them to your routine at a time that is easy to put into practice.
  • An easy way you can make a big impact on the health of everyone in your home is to swap out one household or personal care item each month. Before you know it, you will be living a toxin free life and the transition will feel like a breeze!

What wellness habits are you putting into practice for 2024 that will help you to feel your best? 

I am so thankful for you!
Do you have any questions for me? I welcome your feedback and my heart is to serve you in your pursuit of wellness, purpose, and abundance in your life!